Sometimes the Right Path Isn’t the…
“Sometimes the right path is not the easiest one but that does not mean that it is the path to avoid, only that doing the right thing can be difficult.”
“Easy” is comfortable and appealing, yet it might not lead us to where we most want to go — or need to get to — especially when it comes to our professional and personal reputation. Stealing from road signs we see, “easy” can be the wrong way or a dead end.
Don’t get me wrong, the best path, the “right” one, can certainly be simple and even easy (it’s often a state of mind) yet sometimes it definitively requires unwanted challenging effort for someone to traverse difficult, painful “terrain.”
That “terrain” is often as emotional and psychological as it is anything else though because the path that needs traveling is not complex or outside of one’s capabilities.
Doing the right thing can be extremely difficult, yes, but you know something? It’s also usually the safest way through the hard time you’re experiencing.
It doesn’t feel like it. Know this: feelings though often deceive us.
If someone sets off to travel that hard road of conflict management, crisis and reputation by themselves, they can succeed. It’s not impossible.
Also true: the odds are much better when you ride it all out with knowledgeable, skilled professionals. There’s a reason they’re there for people.
The need is common and these professionals know the way through hardships, obstacles and multiple dangers to get you home (reputation wise) safely.