Reputation Intelligence, f/k/a Reputation Notes
(Newsletter on LinkedIn and Substack)

Target ‘You’ — Power, Control and Attacks

Looking Ahead: The Pain and Suffering of Late Self Awareness

How Do You Want to be (Publicly) Remembered When Your Life Ends

Preparing for What Cybersecurity Claims is Inevitable: Being Hacked

When Perseverance Doesn’t Break Down Resistance

How the CNN ‘Sausage Gets Made’ (Jake Tapper/CNN Defamation Ruling)

‘I’m Not the Victim’

Reputation in Peril: Negativity Bias

Ethical Conflict Responses

Expected Reputation Bashing After Death

Terminate and Smear Strategy to Silence

One Road Through Self Destructiveness

No Backstory May Mean Receiving Unwarranted Criticism

Reputation War: Jay-Z and Victims' Attorney Tony Buzbee

Crystal Mangum Wasn’t a Unique Liar

The Acumen to Quickly 'See' Problems and Respond Promptly

Balancing Audacity With Humility for Risk Management in Decision Making

Putting Yourself Out There: Publicly Talking About Your Weakness

Playing the Long Game to Improve Reputation; Avoiding Becoming Enablers and Accomplices

How Your Communication Can Earn You Trust, Reputation and Influence

‘Nobody Would Listen. Nobody Would Believe (Me).’

Admired CEO Reputations

Bezos Pushes Back on Angry Narrative

Leaders and Organizations Need to Value Internal Relationships and Reputation

What’s Wrong and What’s Correct About not Endorsing a Candidate for President

What Your Apology May Accomplish

Dumb, Costly Communication at Work

Special Report: Deepfakes, Risks and Protection

Amy Wax’s Future Considerably Dimmed

‘Companies are Miscalculating by not Facing Up to Wrongdoing’

When Public Figures Don’t Think Deeply Before Speaking

Identifying What’s Behind Rogue Behavior

When the ‘Trust Gap Continues to Grow’

Shame - Not Shaming - Can Be Good

Pelosi’s Actions: Critical Leadership or Questionable Ethics

It Would Benefit Donald Trump to Trust and Listen to His Advisors

One of the Strangest Behaviors

CFO's Vice Could Derail Rise to CEO in Tyson Family Business

Less ‘Perfect’ in Our Work Than We Believe

Lemon - Musk Conflict and Lawsuit: Lemon Knowingly Played With Fire

Will Gold Medalist Dujardin Overcome Animal Whipping Video?

Subject of 'Flamin' Hot' Movie Sues PepsiCo for Defamation, Fraud and Discrimination: Is That Factual?

Expectations: What Are You Doing to Manage Your Reputation Risk

Trust, Reputation and Benefit of the Doubt

Damaging Your Reputation and Going Down With the Ship

Intermittent Explosive Disorder and Impact on Reputation

Doing Something When Feeling There is Nothing More That
Can Be Done

The ‘Impossible’ Possible: Innocent Woman Released From Prison After Decades

Blind Eyewitness Testimony Resulted in 12 Years of
Wrongful Prison Time

Impressing the Boss; A Boss That Notices

Reputation Shattered Due to Ugly Anger; What Actor Michael Richards Learned (Bonus: Keeping support when grieving and the reality about dangerous habits)

The Over-Competitive Personality and Accompanying Reputation Risk, a Look at an ‘Image Cultivator’

AI Voice Cloning: How Dangerous?

Wife Defending Husband to Tried to Kill Her and Their Children
(Scroll down the article a little)

You Can’t Go Back in Time; Exercise Self Control

The Painful Cost of Anger and Fighting a ‘Star’ at Work

No, the Media’s Reputation is Not ‘Lost’

‘Don’t Be Rushed, Don’t Be Intimidated, Don’t Be Pressured’

‘Don’t Shoot the Message’

Beware of ‘Crab Mentality’ People

Reputation Doom Feelings: a Misperception

Fighting Is Not Always the Smartest Response

Wrongly Deported: Awarded a $320K Judgment

Mistaken Identity and Attack on a Career

Intent and Trust

Entrepreneurs and Corporate America Battle in Court

Trust, Expectations and Problems to Avoid

‘Take Away Your Enemies’ Ammunition’

Angry and Traumatized When We Shouldn’t Be Surprised at
the Outcome
(now also on the Medium platform)

Be Encouraged Against All Odds; Reputations Can Improve and Opportunities Can Be Restored

Science: Benefits of Turning Toward Discomfort; How It Relates to Reputation

Bezos Knows How the Smartest People Act

‘Why Couldn’t He Have Accepted the Truth’

Responding Expertly and Impressively to Constructive Criticism

People Are More 'Blind' in Their Assumptions Than They Realize

There Can Be More Than You Can See

Failing to Live Up to Your Reputation, It Can Be a Good Thing

Responsibly Accepting Blame

Unfairly Judged: Disprove the ‘Myth’

Russell Brand: Target of ‘Coordinated Attack’

Truth: He Said Versus He Said — Who’s Telling the Truth?

The Liar Believing Their Denial

You Know You Did Wrong, Say It Clearly

Why Emotional Validation is So Important to Our Reputation Well-Being

When a Wrongly Accused Person is Falsely Judged Guilty

Man Fakes LinkedIn Profile, Harms Someone, Goes to Prison

Being in Control in Challenging Situations

The Pain and Trauma is the Same

How a Trusting Person is Perceived

Immunocompromised Man Asserts Employer Terminated Him for Not Working in the Office

Big Business Pays for Scapegoating Employee

Kevin Spacey is Not Guilty Yet is He Innocent?

Recognizing Your Strength in a Lasting Hardship

‘I Accept I Can’t Change the Past’

‘I Had to Humble Myself… More Humbled Than I Ever
Could Have Been Before’

‘Smart People Are Falling for Stupid Lies’

Kevin Spacey’s Wishful Thinking

‘I've Also Learned to Reach Out for Help a Lot More'

Granting Power to Weak-Character People and
Allowing Them to Keep It

—It’s not just CEOs

'We Need to Do What’s Right and Move Past It'

‘Infamously Flaky and Enigmatic’

Trusting Likable People Too Much

Conflict Residue and Reputation

'You Got to Look in the Mirror and Say, 'Maybe, You Know What? Maybe I'm the Problem.'

'It's Hard to Grow Beyond Something if You Won't Let Go of It.'

‘I Live in Anger Due to the Lack of Justice’

‘I’m Becoming Something I Don’t Want to Be’

The Perception When Explaining Wrongdoing

When a Credible Person Accuses You -- Possibly Falsely -- of Wrongdoing

Anxiety is Reputation Danger

A Way That People Can Indirectly ‘Destroy’ Your Reputation

Responding to a Smear Campaign

Crosley Green Loses His Deliverance From Apparent Injustice

Facing the Ugly

'I made a lot of mistakes; I didn't have the ability to stop,' is an Admission That Won't Help

‘You Accused Me of All Kinds of Stuff I Didn’t Do’

Bad Blood: Who Will Look Good in the End?

Lasting Lesson Learned From a State Trooper

Five Reputation Stories in the News

The Hated-Beloved Reputation

'Reputation Savaging' and Virtue Signaling

‘I realize what I have to lose’

The Growth of Jimmy Carter’s Reputation

Accused of a Felony by Your Employer

Did You Know False News Moves Fast?

Let’s Talk About Being Scapegoated

You May Not Be ‘Past the Point of Rescue’

'Dilbert' Creator Scott Adams Needed Help

What is Chris Cuomo Doing to Himself?

How You Present Yourself May Not Be Believed

Responding Wisely to a Smear Campaign

‘I Was Finally Heard’

When Your Punishment Seems Extreme

‘I got a reputation that I can’t deny’

They ‘Called ME Selfish!’

Three Questions Asked, Three Answers

Answers to Your Reputation Questions

1) Can I ever improve a negative reputation 2) Can you fix a bad reputation without changing who you are? 3) How can I fix my reputation when it is the worst it can ever be? 4) “Is there hope after a ruined reputation?” “I got a bad reputation and I am feeling very bad, always thinking about the past. What should I do? “How do I live with having a horrible/destroyed reputation?

Overcoming Our Defense Mechanisms

Reasonable Question to Ask: "How do I know I'm 'right?'"

Success Principle Works the Same With Negative Momentum

Lying to Exploit People’s Compassion

About Second Chances

Overcoming Our Defense Mechanisms