Stress Management Services
Whether you have interest in proactive stress management or stress management within reputation adversity, there is compassionate, confidential assistance.
If you are concerned about your reaction to stress or if people have communicated their concerns about those reactions, it could be the intelligent action to pursue some additional assistance to master a skilled response that protects your future professional and personal well-being.
Trust and relationships get damaged or ruined. Health can be affected. Power, authority and opportunities can end. Financial damages or disaster can occur. The results can be overwhelming even for very strong people.
The Offer
A series of brief, productive, conversational video sessions to learn and practice approaches that will prove helpful and prevent additional or irreparable reputation damage and result in more skillful immediate reactions to stress, and more skillful, reasoned, effective responses.
This is a personalized, thorough and respectful approach.
The Guarantee
One-one, personalized video interactions directly with me, where I meet you respectfully and compassionately, to find our way through professional and personal challenges and maybe, adversity, to achieve a skill level that will make you stronger and more effective within high stress and allow you to be viewed and judged even more highly.
I will be prepared with a personalized approach each time we meet and deliver consistently as your “teammate” to achieve the objectives.
30-minute sessions, three times a week, for three months: $21,000
45-minute sessions, twice a week, for three months: $21,000
30-minute sessions, three times a week, for six months: $30,000
45-minute sessions, twice a week, for six months: $30,000
Acquire skills in a relatively short period of time that you can take with you and use successfully, reliably in your professional and personal life.
Get follow-up phone or email direct access and assistance from me between sessions, up to twice a week for 15 minutes.
Get follow-up phone or email direct access and assistance from me after the conclusion of your full partnership engagement, up to twice a month, for six months, for up to 15 minutes.
Note: I apologize, I do not work with new people in November and December, except through a special agreement.
The vast majority of people with which I work with will succeed. Yet as you and I know, people have free will, meaning not everyone engages with the mindset and collaboration to develop masterful skills.
These people will be rare, of course.
I have responsibility to you and I am committed to delivering it and will deliver, because that’s important to me in words and professionalism. It’s additionally the passion I have for you.
Any person I collaborate with has the responsibility as well to engage together with me with a championship mindset, powerful work ethic, unquestionable commitment to improvement, and the dedication to win and therefore succeed.
Contact me at