Michael Toebe Michael Toebe

Media Error and Your Response

False media reports can be extremely damaging to reputation and change the public narrative for the negative, and the long term.

Whether the facts and truth ever get revealed is a difficult adventure and escape. It’s important to realize this is more possible than individuals and organizations imagine. Here’s a brief article that talks about it.

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Michael Toebe Michael Toebe

How Common is Common Sense, Really

Do others really know what we are confident they know or should know and are we cognizant of what others believe is common sense?

This Reputation Quality article looks at the thinking errors we and others make when it comes to what is called common sense.

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Michael Toebe Michael Toebe

Why You Want to Hear About More Problems

Hearing about problems is not usually something we naturally gravitate towards yet there is wisdom as well as benefits to be learned and valued, for reputation health and crisis prevention.

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Michael Toebe Michael Toebe

Reputation Rankings Notes

Some brief observations about the findings of the 2022 Axios Harris Poll 100 reputation rankings: who earned what grades and what was at least mildly surprising.

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Michael Toebe Michael Toebe

How Not to Make a Reputation Crisis Worse

Yes, you can make a reputation crisis worse. Of course you don't want to do so but individuals and organizations do if more frequently than you think.

Here's some "what not to do's" and some analysis about those errors.

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Michael Toebe Michael Toebe

The Problems of Exercising Double Standards

Sometimes it might be understandable that we don’t see how we’re showing double standards in our decision-making and actions. Yet usually, that’s an unforced error and a significant one. Here’s why…

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