When Police Fail and Don’t Apologize or Clear Your Name

There are times in some people’s lives where the wrongdoing they suffer is so severe that it significantly and negatively impacts their lives for years, maybe even decades. And when that wrong is committed by law enforcement, the cut can feel deeper and more painful. Receiving what is morally “right” may never happen.

There are too many cases of this occurring to mention all the different ways someone can be betrayed and violated, including by authorities. Yet I just read another story which I will briefly touch on so I can provide a takeaway lesson, in the form of advice.

"Four police officers falsely accused Trinh Dan Cuong and his two brothers-in-law of a crime they did not commit 38 years earlier. But even until today, that tarnish on his name remains. He has yet to to be given an apology and he has not received any compensation."

"Ever since he was released, Cuong has multiple times filed complaints to the police and prosecutors, demanding an apology and compensation for the false accusation, but his complaints have remained unanswered."

Summary of the reality:

You don’t have to accept the wrongdoing and decision of the perpetrator or perpetrators to not be moral or ethical and do the “right thing.” Some people and organizations reject the responsibility of righting a “wrong” when they have the full capability to do so. They’re corrupt souls.

Unless you want to break the law and risk imprisonment, you are unlikely to inspire them to suddenly do the respectful, high-character thing.

The professional Reputation Quality specialist advisory:

Therefore, what I strongly recommend is control what you can control and do so in a law-abiding way. 

Hire an attorney if you want, if that attorney believes you have a case and will represent you. Even if you do this though, it is additionally wise to seek out a reputation specialist who can also provide you wise guidance.

If you cannot find a law firm and attorney who believes in your case and feels confident that the odds are in your favor to pursue help, the reputation specialist, and I will mention myself here, can consult you from start to finish to help you reshape the public and private narrative that has harmed you.

Maybe everything you want — or most of it — can only be remedied by your chosen legal counsel. If so, go for it if that is all you want.

Yet truthfully, legal counsel may not fully satisfy everything what you want or need. In that case, work together with an attorney and reputation specialist because they each solve different problems with-and-for you.

Conflict management and communication wisdom is vitally important, which a reputation professional can assist you with, even when a law firm is pursuing what the courts can help you achieve if all goes near perfectly.

Michael Toebe is the founder and specialist at Reputation Quality, which serves successful individuals and organizations further build reputation as an asset and responsibly and ethically protect, restore or reconstruct its strength.

Phone: 316-226-4071
Email: Michael.Toebe@Reputation-Quality.com

Michael Toebe

Michael Toebe is a trust, risk, communications, relationship and reputation specialist at Reputation Intelligence - Reputation Quality.


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