Michael Toebe Michael Toebe

‘Stomaching Falsehoods’ and Overcoming Them

The conclusions and hardened beliefs about us may not be accurate yet we may be contributing to the painful words being communicated about us. A reputation is a reputation. We can positively address and successfully respond to it.

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Michael Toebe Michael Toebe

Leaning Into Ethical Mitigation

Understanding the necessity and value of ethical mitigation willingness and practice goes a long ways towards determining: how people perceive us, the level of trust we are granted, what our reputation becomes and subsequently, the health of our personal and professional relationships.

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Michael Toebe Michael Toebe

Power and Its Costs When Granted to the Wrong People

It's reckless, misplaced trust and a risk management failing to grant power to certain people or increase their power. They aren't able and willing to responsibly apply it. Test for competency of character, monitor it and correct errors immediately instead of supporting and enabling them.

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Michael Toebe Michael Toebe

‘The Sad Part is When the Truth is Not Enough’

Reputation Intelligence: "The Sad Part is When the Truth is Not Enough." Keep telling it and it might not move the needle. Yet a smarter approach could unlock progress and breakthrough to get the factual, truthful narrative to prosper and improve or restore reputation.

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