Michael Toebe Michael Toebe

Why You Want to Hear About More Problems

Hearing about problems is not usually something we naturally gravitate towards yet there is wisdom as well as benefits to be learned and valued, for reputation health and crisis prevention.

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Michael Toebe Michael Toebe

Successfully Defending Oneself Versus Angry, Ill-Intended Opinion and Harmful Demands

There is an increased debate and at times, battle, over what can and can’t be communicated in society and on college campuses.

Charles Negy, Ph.D. and professor, went big with his communication and lost his first battle with students and his employer, but won his defense. How did this happen, considering the times?

Here is an overview and some analysis about Negy’s story and reputation, now and going forward.

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Michael Toebe Michael Toebe

Reputation Rankings Notes

Some brief observations about the findings of the 2022 Axios Harris Poll 100 reputation rankings: who earned what grades and what was at least mildly surprising.

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Michael Toebe Michael Toebe

How Not to Make a Reputation Crisis Worse

Yes, you can make a reputation crisis worse. Of course you don't want to do so but individuals and organizations do if more frequently than you think.

Here's some "what not to do's" and some analysis about those errors.

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Michael Toebe Michael Toebe

Will Smith Can Re-Earn Trust and Gain Forgiveness

Will Smith is in a predicament. What now? He knows what has to be done so it’s a matter of him regaining composure, being honest with himself about his behavior and the societal expectation and doing what needs to be done.

However, there is a reward on the other side of showing character, strength and compassion.

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Michael Toebe Michael Toebe

Prepare Now for Unwanted Possibility

Life might be rolling along well yet that can all change at a moment’s notice. You may be falsely judged and it may create highly problematic problems in your professional or personal life.

There is a quote that speaks to this and this article shares that comment and then very briefly talks about it.

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Michael Toebe Michael Toebe

Beware of What You Don’t Know and See

Is Kid Rock on to something, at least for himself and his wellbeing in the culture of “cancel culture,” or does he not know what he doesn’t know?

This brief article takes a look at what the musician has said about his safety in the face of his often outlandish communication and whether his belief is accurate and good counsel for other people.

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