‘In Theory’ is not ‘Always in Practice’ With Reputation
Is high-level character enough to feel safe and be safe when it comes to our reputation? Someone says so. Is he correct though?
Elon Musk Should Recognize Value of Investor Complaint
Elon Musk has upset Tesla stockholder Tesla stockholder Solomon Chau, who has filed a lawsuit against him and board members for the problematic workplace culture and the effect on company reputation and financial value.
Musk can't be happy about it yet if he reframes his mind about the call to action, he can benefit from it.
Being Unaware of the Heat Anger Emits
Anger is energy and it emits heat. This is important to know in regards to how we’re experienced.
It’s invaluable to understand that this heat we often don’t know is happening greatly affects trust, reputation, security and relationship health.
How Common is Common Sense, Really
Do others really know what we are confident they know or should know and are we cognizant of what others believe is common sense?
This Reputation Quality article looks at the thinking errors we and others make when it comes to what is called common sense.
Why You Want to Hear About More Problems
Hearing about problems is not usually something we naturally gravitate towards yet there is wisdom as well as benefits to be learned and valued, for reputation health and crisis prevention.
Successfully Defending Oneself Versus Angry, Ill-Intended Opinion and Harmful Demands
There is an increased debate and at times, battle, over what can and can’t be communicated in society and on college campuses.
Charles Negy, Ph.D. and professor, went big with his communication and lost his first battle with students and his employer, but won his defense. How did this happen, considering the times?
Here is an overview and some analysis about Negy’s story and reputation, now and going forward.
Reputation Rankings Notes
Some brief observations about the findings of the 2022 Axios Harris Poll 100 reputation rankings: who earned what grades and what was at least mildly surprising.
How Not to Make a Reputation Crisis Worse
Yes, you can make a reputation crisis worse. Of course you don't want to do so but individuals and organizations do if more frequently than you think.
Here's some "what not to do's" and some analysis about those errors.
Proving Resilient to Communicating Gross Lies Won’t Be Easy, Quick or Painless
Sherri Papini did a lot of people dirty, including herself, with the hoax she created and the absurd lies she told to satisfy the need for instant gratification. She has apologized. Now she has to endure the consequences and suffering and live up to the apology. But how?
Will Smith Can Re-Earn Trust and Gain Forgiveness
Will Smith is in a predicament. What now? He knows what has to be done so it’s a matter of him regaining composure, being honest with himself about his behavior and the societal expectation and doing what needs to be done.
However, there is a reward on the other side of showing character, strength and compassion.